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Three Ridings Coffee - Balanced Mellow (Two Can Dance) Retail Coffee - 185g

Balanced Mellow is formally Three Ridings Cofee Two Can Dance. This coffee is a medium roast, Brazil (natural) 17/18, NY2/3, SSFC and boasts tastes of light cocoa, nuts and orange zest with a medium body and clean finish.

It's a single-origin coffee from the South-Eastern regions of Brazil and is an Arabica variety of Mundo Novo, Icatu, Acaia, Catuai & Tupi.


This particular type is a standard specialty quality and carries three quality classifications -

  • NY (New York) 2/3; specifies the quality is standard to the Green Coffee Association of New York. 2/3 refers to the number of defects permitted in the lot; a maximum of nine secondary defects, and no primary defects.
  • SSFC (Strictly Soft Fine Cup); Strictly Soft beans are grown at relatively low altitudes (under 1200 meters). Beans grown at lower altitudes mature quickly and produce a lighter, less dense bean. This term also means the beans are free of hard rioy taints. Fine Cup means it is a specialty grade coffee.
  • 17/18 refers to the screen size. These beans are one screen size larger than 14/16, denoting a larger bean. Larger bean size is generally linked to higher quality.


Tasting Notes -  Light Cocoa  - Hazel Nut

Roast Degree - Medium

Origin - Brazil

Region - South-Eastern regions of Brazil

Processing Method - Natural

Altitude - 800 - 1350 m.a.s.l

Grade - 17-18 Screen Size, 2/3 NY, SSFC

Three Ridings Coffee - Balanced Mellow (Two Can Dance) Retail Coffee - 185g

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